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Blackberry Apps, Themes, and Music

Blackberry Apps, Themes, and Music

The Blackberry device line up is impressive: Blackberry Tour, Storm, Curve, Pearl, Pearl Flip, World Edition, just to name a few. These are constantly being revamped and new devices are added to the line up at a rapid rate. Regardless of which model you use, learning how to personalize your Blackberry phone can be a fun and rewarding experience. A customized user friendly Blackberry is what turns the regular Blackberry user into a Blackberry fanatic or fiend, also known as a crackberry addict!

So, how do you go about personalizing a Blackberry? There are a few things that you can do to add games, music, themes, or other apps quickly so they can be used right away.

Download the Blackberry App World. Some models will have this under the menu, if you don’t see it use your search browser to get the download link. Blackberry App World provides an easy to use interface for downloading and installing both free apps and other apps that cost money. Once you have it downloaded, search for apps by category, by name, or by top downloads. Once you find an app that you want, simply follow the directions provided. If you are going to buy an application, you need to have a Pay Pal account to complete the transaction.

Read about what other Blackberry owners are using.There are some great Blackberry related forums that you can browse. This can provide you with the latest and greatest themes, apps, games, and even phone reviews. For example, forums such as Yahoo Answers allows you to post a question or view answers for a specific keyword such as Blackberry or iBerry theme.

Experiment with your Blackberry. Part of the fun of owning a Blackberry is learning about it and playing with it as kids do with new toys. Search the menu options, change the fonts, use convenience keys and the auto text functions, and download free apps and play with them. Being hands on with the phone is the quickest way to learn about it and to become familiar with different features and programs.

Having used Blackberry devices for both personal and business use over the years, I have found some applications that helped customize my device. I no longer need to carry an I-Pod or digital camera and some great information is right at my fingertips. So what apps are they? Here are a few of my favorite free apps:

Pandora Radio. This internet radio app allows you to create your own radio stations instantly based on the artist you choose. You can add up to 100 of these, the only restriction is you can not skip more then 6 songs on one station in a one hour time frame.

Google Maps. Google Maps has provided me step by step directions to locations in my own city and on business or personal trips as well. Having the ability to find businesses or addresses and get immediate directions is very useful. Not only that, it also has the street view function that provides a realistic picture of an address or building.

Bloomberg Mobile. This app provides news, stock quotes, company descriptions, price charts, custom stock lists, and much more.

Weather Eye. Allows you to quickly view current weather conditions as well as short and long term forecasts.

If you think there are a large number of Blackberry devices available, the amount of games, themes, music, and other apps for them is much larger. Having so many options can be confusing at times so take your time finding new options and apps to continue customizing and improving your Blackberry user experience.