Since You from Tom Paxton with Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer

Legendary folksinger and songwriter Tom Paxton has seen several of his songs cut bluegrass style, but he hasn’t recorded much that way himself. A recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Grammys, Tom is still going strong at 84, and has a new project called All New set for a July release, accompanied by co-writers Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer, recorded live with an all-star band.

Today we have a sneak peek in the form of a single, Since You, written by Tom and Cathy and recorded in a bluegrass style. It’s a story of true love, and good times on the horizon which Paxton says still occurs even in a topsy turvy world.

“It happens; don’t try to tell me it doesn’t. You’ll meet more than one person in a lifetime who will bring you up short and change your way of thinking – sometimes permanently. Usually, the change is for the better. Usually.”

Fink tells us that they set out to make this a grasser from the start.

“Tom and I write all kinds of songs and one of our goals in co-writing has been to write bluegrass songs. We may have crossed the line writing a happy bluegrass love song, but we did it! And with Kimber Ludiker on fiddle, Marcy Marxer on mandolin, and Alex Lacquement on bass, how could we lose? Love always wins.”

It’s a sprightly number that makes you feel good for listening.

Since You is available now from popular download and streaming services online.

Look for All New, a double album, from Tom, Cathy, and Marcy, on July 29