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Deep Learning Is Not Just Memorizing Facts

Deep Learning Is Not Just Memorizing Facts

After every lesson there is a part which we call the application of learning, either individual or group task to make. Yes, deep learning is another name.

In my 25 years in service, and counting, I always make it a point that learners of mine must be creative enough to create something out of the wisdom gained from our lesson/s. Right after the lesson has been mastered, learner must be able to apply the skills to making something say, after a science lesson, he/she must know the principles behind and apply those to daily activities. Knowing different cloud formation is good, but learning how they form into such and what time of the day they emerge could be slew of activities using observation, documentation, analyses, synthesis and making conclusions which could be used to deepen learning based on these information gathered from experimentation. Knowing the right time to transfer seedlings from seed bags to soil, watering them and protecting them from extreme sunlight, heavy rain and the like. Having this scenario we could think of other activities related to this say farmers, fisher folks, and the like who are dependent on the weather doing their thing.

Yes, these kind of deep learning is a method going beyond the books, the discussion and so on. It is more on the processing information based on different variables which could be a springboard to creating. Having seen connections and all could be an interesting journey toward creating something of greater good, or changing something so as to achieve more, like in farming. The essence of observing weather condition could be a win-win situation toward getting plants healthier, and having more chances to survive and bear fruits, grains or what for human or animal consumption.

In school, especially in my class, learners have the chance to think of a way to apply their learning to their daily lives. Say, having learned the value of clean air, they are now ready to investigate about things around which could be contributing to cause air pollution. Getting to know factories, industrial and agricultural waste from those could wreak havoc to our environment and human health so doing something like petitioning the local government to close those factories or what. When it comes to different kinds of plants, they could have a survey of how many of those are endemic in their locality. Fruit-bearing trees in their backyard or what, animals living in the barangay and so on. These are just simple ways on how to deepen learning among our learners. Skills in formulating survey questions, data gathering, interpreting, reporting and so on are relevant skills today.

Starting them young about these things could be a good investment on their journey toward more challenging, higher level of learning. And when they are already on their own, they know how to survive the odds by becoming creative, enterprising, critical and the like.

Yes, as a conscientious teachers of 21st century, there is always a good chance to become effective and efficient one, simply do what is expected and enjoy the journey. Happy Teachers Day my dear colleagues and to all my learners, then and now… thank you for being part of your learning journey.

Let’s use our knowledge and skills to improving self, and the world, at large.